Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Oscars: Anticipation
By Editor

Every year, movie fans eagerly await the glamorous film awards known as the Oscars.  This year is no exception, as the 84th Oscar awards have drawn the attention of all of America.  With 29 major films snagging nominations, this may be the biggest ceremony of the decade.  Though it won’t be broadcasted till February 26th, many people are speculating which movie will get Best Picture.

Best Picture Nominations:
These nine movies have been nominated for the illustrious Best Picture.  Some of them aren’t much of a surprise (Midnight in Paris, The Tree of Life) but others are most shocking. (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Help) Most of them are simply Nominations, not obvious or surprising. (War Horse, Hugo) For me, the most surprising was the 9/11 drama Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.  This movie, starring Tom Hanks, got negative critical and commercial reaction.  For mainly this reason, it is truly shocking that this movie got nominated for Best Picture of all things.  Midnight in Paris is a classic Woody Allen film, set in the streets of Paris. (curiously enough, Hugo is set in Paris as well) Though it only grossed around 50 million at the box office, it seems an obvious choice.  The Tree of Life is a sentimental Brad Pitt movie.  Critics complimented on the quirkiness of the film.  The Help is a comedic drama set in the age of segregation.  It was slammed by critics for being crude and flawed, but in the end it was nominated.  War Horse is a Spielberg war movie, following in the footsteps of Saving Private Ryan. Moneyball is another movie nominated with Brad Pitt as the lead.  A great movie for baseball fans and normal folks alike, Moneyball picked up $75 million at the box office, a lot for a baseball movie.  Hugo is one of the first children’s films to be nominated for Best Picture, though some argue it’s not for children.  It contains a subplot about machines, but focuses more on film history.  The Artist is a beautifully woven silent film about silent movie stars and the age of the talkies.  Finally, The Descendants is a simple movie about a family but not for families.  So which one will win?  I admit I’m not sure.  Any one of this brilliant films could run away with the prize.  Could it possibly be The Artist or The Tree of Life?  Or could it be one of the movies directed by the ‘three masters’ Spielberg, Scorsese, and Allen?  Whatever it is, I believe these are some of the best movies of 2011 and the Oscars should be as fair and balanced as they ever are this year.
For Best Actor and Best Actress, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Artist, The Descendants, The Help, My Week With Marilyn, and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo are the most notable nominations.  For Best Adapted Screenplay, The Ides of March and Hugo picked up nominations, among others.  For Best Original Screenplay, Bridesmaids, The Artist, and Margin Call were all terrific films made for the screen.  For Best Animated Film, Kung Fu Panda 2, Puss in Boots, and Rango were major studio cartoons that got a shot at getting an Oscar.  This is the first year in the history of the award that a Pixar film was not nominated.  The other awards are not worth mentioning in detail, so I’ll leave it at that.  Make sure you tune in this February to these spectacular Awards!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do you honestly think that me, of all people, would want to embarrass myself like that? I have never had a cheese doodle in my life! And I don't use incorrect grammer! I'm proving that right now!
Yo! Bryce is typing here. Me( Bryce) is a freak( and also bad at grammar.) I enjoy eating cheese doodles! Ysdeah yosihfe;ofchdasj;kvbdslijkh d Bye Bye! Toodloo! Time to fly!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

After a long Break . . .

I have an apology to make. I know I said I would blog every day and I also know I've already apologized already, I just felt like apologizing again . Anyway, now it's pretty obvious that I'm not going to blog every day so if you still think that you should stop right now. Okay, now I've got apologies out of the way I'll get to the information. As my brother told you on his blog, h, The e was in a play called, The Princess and the Pea, I happened to watch that play. He did pretty well, but more importantly, it got me excited about it, and now I have decided that I would like to do something similar. Fortunately, an opportunity came, just a few miles away from where I live, there is a play going on in two weeks! So I decided to do the play, that's about all the exciting information I have right now except for our move to Korea. You can read all about that on my brother's blog. Okay, I'm finished for now, so I'll say Good Bye for a while. Good Bye!